Yogurt is a great way to nourish your gut’s microflora, and get a hefty dose of Omega 3 fats (provided the yogurt is from grass-fed cows, which is higher in these inflammation fighting fatty acids).In a 2013 study of 6256 individuals, published in Nutrition Research, yogurt consumption was associated with lower cholesterol, lower blood pressure, and lower blood sugar (1). 

What about those of us who need or want to avoid dairy…are we to miss out on all of the great health benefits of yogurt? Thankfully, no!  Allow me to introduce you to an oh-so-easy, yet oh-so-delectable coconut yogurt using two ingredients! The best part is, there’s no sugar or other inflammatory junk in it. Simply use berries, jam, vanilla, maple syrup, or whatever suits your tastebuds, to sweeten. 

If you are on a Reboot, either dairy or coconut yogurt works well.

  • 1 can of full-fat organic coconut milk  (a good brand is Native Forest as they don’t use BPA in their can lining and the consistency is great for the yogurt.)
  • Several probiotic capsules or yogurt starter culture (available at a health food store)
  1. 1 Open the can of coconut milk and pour into a mason jar. (Blend if necessary, to mix the cream at the top and the water at the bottom).
  2. 2 Add yogurt starter culture or 5 or 6 opened probiotic capsules* into the mason jar.
  3. 3 Put the lid on and give it a good shake to combine.
  4. 4 Leave in a cool dark place on your countertop for three to four days, shaking the jar about two times per day. Room temperature must be consistently about 70 degrees or warmer.
  5. 5 On the final day, the mixture should feel thick when you shake it. At that point, stick the jar in the fridge, where the “yogurt” will harden.
  6. Note: There may be a sulfur smell when you open your jar. Don’t be scared. It could have to do with the strains in your probiotic. Taste. It may not taste as it smells.
  7. Sweeten with fruit or raw honey, if sweetness is needed. I like to eat mine plain or with a spoonful of carob, maca and a few drops of stevia. Divine!


*At Replenish, we successfully use GutPro probiotic (either 5- 6 capsules as noted above) or if using the GutPro powder, use 1 pinch or 1 dash. If using another brand of probiotic, you’ll need to test it and experiment with the amount. Some probiotics don’t culture (which likely isn’t a good sign for the viability of that probiotic!)

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